Half of senior U.K. radiographers get no management training

2018 06 04 19 26 5898 2016 01 27 Mass Casualty Mci 400

Uncomfortable truths and systemic failures underlie results of a recent survey of radiography clinical managers, according to a statement issued on 12 September by the U.K. Society of Radiographers (SoR).

The SoR analyzed responses it received from a survey of more than 200 of its members and highlighted some startling concerns, including the following:

  • 45% of managers have not received any manager training from their hospital.
  • Almost 40% of respondents are expected to manage over 30 employees, and 52% manage 20 or more employees.
  • A lack of human resources support was a concern for a large number of managers.
  • Many managers are struggling to balance management and clinical duties.

"This survey has uncovered some uncomfortable truths and highlighted some systemic failures in organizations failing to support their managers. The expectations put on our manager members are higher than ever," the SoR said.

The SoR said it has developed an "Engaging Managers Network" to provide support and training to those who sign up, with the intention of filling the gap in organizations failing to provide training and human resources support.

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