Top tips on how sonographers can avoid MSK disorders

2022 08 28 17 48 5995 Ultrasound Gynecologist 400

The U.K. Society of Radiographers (SoR) has released practical advice on how sonographers can reduce the risk of pain and discomfort from work-related musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders.

A statement from Gill Harrison, society professional officer for ultrasound, includes offering and engaging with training, risk assessments, and safe use of equipment.

Harrison give the following tips:

  • Face the monitor to reduce spinal rotation.
  • Keep your scanning arm humerus vertical, with no posterior extension.
  • Keep your scanning forearm horizontal.
  • Have all fingers on the probe. Don't grip tightly and don't push unless absolutely necessary to the clinical examination.
  • Take microbreaks during the scan to relax the muscles and tendons.
  • Do dynamic warm up exercises before scanning and stretching between cases and lists.
  • Be body aware. If you have any symptoms of work-related musculoskeletal disorders, change your position or technique. If all else fails, get advice from occupational health, a physio, or ergonomic specialist. Don't ignore it.

Further details are available on the SoR website.

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