Toshiba to build CT scanners in Russia

Toshiba Medical Systems said it has signed contracts with Russian imaging equipment manufacturer ZAO Roentgenprom regarding the licensing and subcontracting production of CT scanners in the country.

Pending completion of necessary approvals from Russian authorities, Toshiba said it is currently in the final approval process, and plans to start production in early 2017.

The contract is part of a Russian government plan to advance healthcare technology and improve its healthcare infrastructure through 2020, with the goal of improving the entire healthcare system, according to the vendor.

Under the plan, demand is expected to grow for advanced imaging systems, but the plan also gives preference to domestically produced medical equipment, Toshiba said. The company has been considering manufacturing in Russia in order to expand its access to the Russian market and contribute to the development of the country's healthcare.

Toshiba said ZAO emphasizes a high level of quality control, acquiring ISO9001 certification in 2002, and that it is confident the company will meet the firm's manufacturing requirements.

Toshiba and Medical Excellence Japan collaborated in 2015 to establish the Russia-Japan cardiac imaging trading center at First Moscow State Medical University. The center was installed as part of a program to expand Japanese medical services internationally, Toshiba said, adding that it will significantly improve the quality of life and life expectancy for Russians, while contributing to the improvement of healthcare in Russia and the manufacture of advanced equipment in the country.

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