Breast self-exam glove 'as effective as mammography'

U.K. firm IPG Pharma Group has released a breast self-examination glove that it claims is as effective as screening mammography for detecting breast lumps.

BE gLOVE could help women who have no idea how to perform breast self-examination, IPG Pharma said. In a survey, IPG Pharma found that more than 88% of survey participants did not realize pressing breast tissue with their fingers could mean lumps are being pushed away. BE gLOVE reduces friction on the skin to avoid this problem and increases the users sense of touch by 15 times, making it easier to find even the smallest of lumps, according to the firm.

The company cited a clinical study conducted by Dr. Stefano Varardi at the University of Rome: Varardi found that women who were given BE gLOVE to perform breast self-examination detected the same number of breast lumps as those identified through mammography, while those who used their bare hands detected only 50% of the lumps found in mammography screening, according to IPG Pharma.

BE gLOVE is made from polyurethane and includes a pocket containing mineral oil which aids breast self-examination by reducing friction and magnifying the sense of touch. It can be used for up to two years before it needs to be replaced, and sells for 24.95 pounds (31.24 euros).

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