Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,
The rapid expansion of CT in parts of the Middle East, particularly in the United Arab Emirates, is a double-edged sword. It's excellent news for sick patients needing an accurate diagnosis, radiologists looking to use the latest equipment, and manufacturers selling systems, but at the same time the growth is fueling justified and understandable worries over radiation dose. The region does not have a long track record in this area.
Arab Health begins on 26 January, and radiation protection will feature prominently in the radiology track. Showcase events like these have an essential training and education role. To read more, visit our CT community, or click here.
Meanwhile, Europe's debate over dose has intensified this month following Dr. Madan Rehani's thought-provoking and visionary article about diagnostic reference levels. What are his views on the future of patient reference dose standards? Click here to find out more.
Postmortem MRI continues to generate considerable interest, and that was certainly the case at RSNA 2014 when radiologists from Barcelona won an award for their original research in the field. Find out more in our MRI Community, or click here.
The biggest conference for minimally invasive and computer-guided therapy in the German-speaking world takes place in Berlin at the end of this week. Dr. Markus Düx is the meeting president, and you can find out what's on his mind by clicking here.
Color now pervades medical imaging, but current calibration methods for imaging displays still rely on assessing gray levels. This looks set to change, however, if a proposed extension to the DICOM Grayscale Standard Display Function is adopted. Visit our PACS Community, or click here.