ESR unveils impact factor ratings for top journals

2020 07 06 15 24 4868 Graph Arrow Up 400

The European Society of Radiology (ESR) has released the 2019 impact factor ratings for two of its clinical journals, European Radiology and Insights into Imaging.

The impact factor of European Radiology rose from 3.962 in 2018 to 4.101 in 2019. It ranked as 21st in the Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, and Medical Imaging category, the ESR noted.

Insights into Imaging received its first-ever impact factor rating. The journal received an impact rating of 3.579 and ranked 28th in the Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, and Medical Imaging category.

A journal's impact factor is the frequency of which a journal article is cited in a calendar year, and the metric provides an important parameter for academic journals but does not measure research quality, the ESR noted.

Downloads and social media interaction also increased. European Radiology articles were accessed 945,000 times in 2019 (+18%), Insights into Imaging articles 770,000 times (+64%), and European Radiology Experimental 83,000 times (+49%).

For the full details, go to the ESR website.

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