Online COVID-19 resource now available for radiographers

2020 03 27 15 35 3457 Virus Coronavirus Global 400

A global team of radiography leaders has released free, online materials to help colleagues caring for patients with the novel coronavirus.

Peter Hogg, professor of radiography at the University of Salford, and Ken Holmes, senior lecturer at the University of Cumbria, both in the U.K., led the project. The group's aim was to create an e-learning information and support system focused on providing training and guidance for radiographers using CT and chest x-rays for patients with the novel coronavirus.

The materials cover various topics related to imaging patients with suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19, including proper infection control, safe use of mobile equipment, and how to interpret images. The team is also working on organizing a webinar that corresponds with the new platform.

From conception to publication, the system was developed within 16 days by more than 40 experts who volunteered over 1,000 hours of time between them, according to Hogg. The materials can be accessed at

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