Strickland on film: Part 1 -- PACS lessons & the Hammersmith

2013 02 04 11 58 22 724 Nicola Strickland 20160209171526

London's Hammersmith Hospital was a true global PACS pioneer when it went filmless on 31 March 1996. But what mistakes were made? And what can other hospitals learn from this experience?

Dr. Nicola Strickland, consultant radiologist at the Imperial National Health Service (NHS) Trust and a member of the education committee of the British Institute of Radiology (BIR), has worked on the groundbreaking PACS project from the outset. She provides some answers in part one of this video series with Philip Ward, editor in chief of

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Strickland on film: Part 1 -- PACS lessons from the Hammersmith.

The second part of this series will focus on the potential benefits of imaging reporting networks, the computer applications sessions at ECR 2016, and the future of digital radiology. Look out for it next week.

Video produced by Tom Day and Ian Packard, Media Mayhem Productions (

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