How to build ethical AI | Training matters in hybrid imaging | News from RöKo 2018 in Leipzig

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

A medical imaging service run totally by machines, with people being sidelined, is a chilling prospect and nightmare scenario for most observers. But Dr. Hugh Harvey is convinced it can be avoided.

Get your ethics right and machines won't take over and dictate a machine-brain version of healthcare, he argues. We need to start considering how we can skip inhuman decisions, especially where they have the potential to hurt us the most. Find out more in our recently launched Artificial Intelligence Community, or by clicking here.

Hybrid imaging is being held back by a lack of appropriate training and education opportunities, a new survey has revealed. Radiology and nuclear medicine associations need to collaborate better and seek more creative approaches and solutions, noted lead author Thomas Beyer, PhD, president of the European Society of Hybrid Imaging. Go to the Molecular Imaging Community, or click here.

The German national radiology congress, RöKo 2018, drew to a close in Leipzig on Saturday. Molecular imaging featured prominently in the scientific program, and a particular highlight was Dr. Henryk Barthel's presentation about the current status of PET/MRI. Learn more here.

Lung cancer screening was another important theme at the meeting, and in a second article, Dr. Hans-Ulrich Kauczor from Heidelberg explains how screening with low-dose CT can be used more effectively in a clinical setting. Visit the CT Community, or click here.

Why is advanced visualization moving to the cloud so slowly? Market analyst Ulrik Kristensen, PhD, has addressed this intriguing question, and his answers are worth a close look. To do so, click here.

Imaging of the placenta can reveal much about both maternal and fetal health, and Greek researchers have found 1-tesla open MRI is an excellent diagnostic tool for this purpose. The group from Mitera Hospital in Athens conducted 26 placental MRI examinations. For the team's results click here.

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