Strickland lays out digital plans | Europe's skills shortage grows | Kuhl looks to the future

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

When Dr. Nicola Strickland was elected president of the U.K. Royal College of Radiologists in March, she could never have anticipated the extremely challenging and volatile situation she would inherit in September, created in part by the fallout from the Brexit vote.

But she must have been very relieved to speak recently about a less controversial and political topic: vendor-neutral peer-feedback and peer-review systems for reported imaging studies. This topic is dear to her heart, and she spoke with great passion and clarity at the British Institute of Radiology annual congress. Go to the PACS Community, or click here.

Coping with the severe shortage of radiologists in the U.K. surely is top of Strickland's priority list, however. New analysis on staffing across Europe has been released, and it makes fascinating reading. France, Germany, Sweden, and Denmark also have their share of problems. Get the details here.

Another influential and visionary radiologist, Dr. Christiane Kuhl, has spoken about her research goals and thoughts on breast imaging's future direction. Read our thought-provoking interview in the Women's Imaging Community, or click here.

We also have another column from the Maverink on the hot topic of functional MRI research. He has deep concerns that progress has not been as rapid as anticipated, and given his close involvement in MRI since the early days, he's worth listening to. Visit the MRI Community, or click here.

Last but definitely not least, we have news of an important musculoskeletal study conducted in Nancy, France. The team found that quantitative dynamic CT of the subtalar joint can provide a detailed analysis of joint motion, supporting its potential role in the evaluation of subtalar instability. Head to our CT Community, or click here.

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