CT Insider

Dear CT insider,

Evidence is growing that national diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) play a valuable role when it comes to optimizing technical standards for scanning, but some countries have lagged behind in implementing them.

Russia is one of these late adopters, but a new study involving CT use at a large hospital in Moscow promises to change this situation. Furthermore, the incoming president of the Russian Society of Radiology, Dr. Valentin Sinitsyn, has promised to support the introduction of DRLs. Get the story here.

"Where there's fat, think CAT." This is one of Dr. Adrian Dixon's core beliefs. CAT scanning -- the original name for CT when it was developed in the 1970s -- has indeed transformed clinical practice, but now Dixon is concerned it's become too effective in the abdomen and other body areas where fat predominates. Click here to learn more.

Meanwhile, U.K. researchers have analyzed the effects of low-dose CT lung cancer screening in a high-risk population. They sought to determine the best recruiting methods and pathways to screening, as well as optimal ways to interpret results and care for patients. The team also looked at the psychological effects and economic implications. To learn more about their results, click here.

As every sports fan knows, the Rio Olympics is only a few short weeks away. Although MRI is by far the dominant modality in imaging of elite athletes, CT still has a future in this sphere, according to sports radiologist Dr. Phil O'Connor. Find out more in our exclusive video interview.

For our full list of articles posted over recent weeks in the CT Community, please see below.

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