ESOR scholarship program aims to build cooperation with China

2011 03 01 14 13 12 723 2011 03 03 China Thumb

The European School of Radiology (ESOR) has launched a bold initiative designed to forge stronger links between radiologists in China and Europe.

The ESOR Jo Li Visiting Scholarship Program will give high-profile young radiologists from China the opportunity to experience advanced imaging practice at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, U.K. The successful applicants will receive a structured, modular training over three months in oncologic imaging, chest/cardiovascular imaging, gastrointestinal radiology, hepatobiliary imaging, or urogenital radiology.

2011 03 01 14 13 16 876 2011 03 03 China
Dr. Jo Li worked as a radiologist in Birmingham before his death in 1995.

The program is aimed at Chinese radiologists within their first five years of qualification. They must be competent in radiological reporting and have good communication skills. Knowledge of administration and management principles applied to a clinical department with multidisciplinary staff and high-cost equipment are expected. Applicants must also be proficient in English.

The initiative is supported by the Jo Li Trust. Dr. Joseph Kwok Wai Li worked as a radiologist in the Birmingham General Hospital before his death in 1995.

"The Chinese radiologists will participate in multidisciplinary team meetings, audits, quality assurance/clinical governance, and they will be able to network with colleagues who have similar research interests," explained Dr. Richard FitzGerald, Jo Li trustee and consultant radiologist at Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust, U.K. "Radiologists in Europe and China have much to learn from each other. In years to come, we hope that some Jo Li ESOR Fellows will go from the Birmingham area to China."

Li was an exceptionally hard-working radiologist, a great team player, and someone who really enjoyed discovering the cause of a patient's problems with imaging, continued FitzGerald, who did his radiological training with Li in Birmingham.

"Although he was Chinese by birth, his schooling in the U.K. and subsequent studies for B.Sc., M.Sc., and M.B. degrees at Birmingham, as well as radiological career, made him an Anglophile with a particular love of his adopted 'Brum'!"

The first Jo Li ESOR Scholar will likely be at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital during the second half of 2011. The Jo Li Trust will initially fund one scholarship a year for three years. Assuming all goes well, the Jo Li Trust intends to fund the program indefinitely.

Successful applicants will participate fully as radiological peers with Birmingham colleagues in their chosen subspecialty area of interest in cross-sectional radiology. They will work under the supervision of Dr. Julie Olliff, consultant radiologist at the Queen Elizabeth hospital. They will receive a grant covering travel, accommodation, and living costs.

Full details are available at

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