Banner Specification -- Overview Chart

Run-of-site Graphic Options
Anim | Flash | Html
W x H
Max file
Position 1 (P01) X1 X2   468x60 30kb GIF/JPG, URL, Alt text
Position 2 (P02) X1 X2   120x60 10kb GIF/JPG, URL, Alt text
Position 3 (P03) X1 X2   125x125 20kb GIF/JPG, URL, Alt text
Position 4 (P04) X1 X2   120x240 30kb GIF/JPG, URL, Alt text
& other
Sponsored Sections
Graphic Options
Anim | Flash | Html
W x H
Max file
Position 1 (P01) X7 X2   468x60 Flexible6 GIF/JPG, URL, Alt text
Position 2 (P02) X7 X2   120x60 Flexible6 GIF/JPG, URL, Alt text
Position 3 (P03) X7 X2   125x125 Flexible6 GIF/JPG, URL, Alt text
Position 4 (P04) X7 X2   120x240 Flexible6 GIF/JPG, URL, Alt text
Position 7 (P07) X7 X2   120x600 Flexible6 GIF/JPG, URL, Alt text
Position 8 (P08) X7 X2   300x250 Flexible6 GIF/JPG, URL, Alt text
Position 9 (P09) X7 X2   728x90 Flexible6 GIF/JPG, URL, Alt text
Inline (DC_IL01)     X 450x1003 Flexible6 GIF/JPG, URL,
Ad text or Alt text
Front-page Inline Graphic Options
Anim | Flash | Html
W x H
Max file
Position 1 (FP_IL01)     X 450x1003 10kb GIF/JPG, URL,
Ad text or Alt text
Position 2 (FP_IL02)     X 450x1003 10kb GIF/JPG, URL,
Ad text or Alt text
Position 3 (FP_IL03)     X 450x1003 10kb GIF/JPG, URL,
Ad text or Alt text
Buyer's Guide Graphic Options
Anim | Flash | Html
W x H
Max file
Position 34 X1 X2 X 125x125 20kb GIF/JPG, URL, Alt text
1 Animation must finish in 15 seconds or less. Mousing over the ad can restart animation or initiate some form of interactivity. The ad is not permitted to fold-out. The ad is not permitted to have video or audio.
2 Flash banners: If using Flash, please refer to our Flash section for important notes and instructions for the required deliverables.
3 Inline text and image content: There is a maximum display area of 450x100 pixels. You may include a non-animated GIF or JPG graphic. We recommend keeping your graphics to a minimum -- less than half of the display area. You may send us preformatted Html, or you may send us plain text and allow us to format it for you. In either case, we may need to make slight changes to ensure that the ad fits in the allotted space. We will do our best to contact you prior to publication if changes are necessary.
4 Position BG_P03: This position includes a cluster of four same-size banners that are rotated automatically. Each of the four BG_P03 banners is sold separately. The customer cannot designate its order of placement within the cluster.
5 Maximum file size (kb): One kilobyte = 1024 bytes. We monitor file size very closely, in the interest of download time. We do not accept banners that exceed the maximum file size. Sorry, we do not make exceptions, but we are happy to provide tips on reducing file size.
6 Flexible file size: For added design flexibility, sponsored sections may use a total of 140kb for all banners, allocated as the sponsor sees fit.
7 Animation limits for sponsored sections: Animation must finish in 15 seconds or less. Mousing-over or clicking the ad can begin user interactivity as determined by the sponsor. On mouse-over the ad is not permitted to fold-out or have video or audio. Clicking can invoke a fold-out, video or audio.

To ensure browser compatibility, we accept only banners that require the Flash 8 or newer plug-in, the most commonly available plug-in among our users. We are highly conscious of page load times for our end users, and we work hard to ensure that page load time is minimized. Banners that do not conform to specifications cannot be accepted for use on the site. If this is the case, we will return the artwork to the advertiser for revision, which may result in a delay. Our banner file size limits are enforced by position; please refer to the Ad Specifications Overview for maximum file size limits.
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