IHS: Computed radiography market contracting

Hurt by stronger uptake of new flat-panel digital radiography (DR) systems, the computed radiography (CR) equipment market dipped by 25% in 2014, according to market research and consulting firm IHS.

IHS noted that the proportion of multiplate CR systems to single-plate CR units being sold has significantly changed. Due to their higher cost, multiplate CR systems have declined much more rapidly than single-plate offerings due to their higher price, according to IHS.

The strong growth in retrofit equipment sales is expected to lead to continued declines in CR equipment revenues from 2015 to 2019, according to IHS. In Western Europe, for example, a significant shift to retrofit systems combined with stronger than expected growth in fixed flat-panel DR systems was caused by a broader range of available systems, the company said.

Purchasers can now choose from low-end CR systems ranging from $65,000 (58,000 euros) up to premium, high-end CR units costing up to $200,000 (180,000 euros). As a result, equipment acquisitions can be tailored to fit budgets that have been declining over the past few years as a result of strict healthcare spending cuts, IHS said.

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