Philips reveals greenhouse gas emissions success

Philips is highlighting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction results following collaboration with customers to assess and mitigate their carbon footprints while also improving patient care and operational efficiency.

The company noted the following achievements from hospital systems in the U.S. and Europe:

  • Jackson Health System (Miami, FL, U.S.): A 47% projected reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by replacing legacy patient monitors, comprising 508-tons equipment lifecycle CO2 reduction and 177 tons of CO2 reduction due to battery and paper savings.
  • Champalimaud Foundation (Lisbon, Portugal): 24% emissions reduction per exam in its radiology and nuclear medicine department, with a goal to cut the carbon footprint of its diagnostic and interventional imaging departments by half by 2028.
  • Rennes University Hospital (France): Opportunities identified to reduce annual emissions of the cath lab through energy savings and sustainable equipment upgrades.
  • County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust (U.K.): A sustainability blueprint has been developed for the trust’s ICU, focusing on waste reduction and energy efficiency.

The company reiterated that it has been carbon neutral in its own operations since 2020 and that all new product introductions are designed in line with the company’s EcoDesign 2025 requirements.

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