Volpara participates in U.K. breast screening research

Breast imaging software developer Volpara Solutions said its VolparaDensity software will be used in the second stage of the U.K.'s Predicting Risk of Cancer at Screening (PROCAS) study, a research project that seeks to improve prediction of breast cancer risk in women receiving routine breast screening.

In the two-year trial, all consenting women screened for breast cancer in the Greater Manchester, East Cheshire, and East Lancashire regions will receive breast cancer risk information based on a risk assessment that includes mammographic density calculated by VolparaDensity, the company said. Run within the U.K.'s National Health Service (NHS) Breast Screening Program, PROCAS 2 is being led by Dr. Gareth Evans and run by the Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.

Evans also led the original PROCAS study, which investigated individual risk for breast cancer based on breast density, lifestyle, reproductive information, and family history, according to the vendor. Funding for PROCAS 2 is being provided by the National Institute for Health Research.

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