Hard Brexit poses threat to radiology | TB screening of refugees | Schulz-Wendtland on breast biopsies

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

It's still early days yet, but the U.K.'s departure from the European Union looks certain to have a major affect on European healthcare in general and radiology in particular. Brexit is set to have profound implications for the staffing situation in hospitals, the regulation of medical devices, and the financial prospects of the imaging sector.

Market analyst Stephen Holloway has studied this area closely over the past year, and today he presents his latest assessment of Brexit and radiology. Click here to learn more.

Another serious challenge facing Europe is the refugee crisis. By law in Germany, all nonpregnant female and all male immigrants older than 15 going into shared accommodation must undergo tuberculosis screening by chest x-ray. Radiologists in Hamburg have evaluated the effectiveness of this practice. Get their findings in the Digital X-Ray Community, or by clicking here.

Breast biopsies are a frequent cause of delays and disruption, and a lot more could to be done to achieve workflow and efficiency gains, according to Dr. Rüdiger Schulz-Wendtland. How exactly does he think the process can be improved? Find out in our Women's Imaging Community, or click here.

Artificial intelligence and bioprinting are hot topics right now, and they will feature prominently at next month's Emerging Technologies in Medicine conference. In advance of the meeting, we have an interview with Dr. Michael Forsting from Essen University Hospital in Germany. Visit the Advanced Visualization Community, or click here.

The results of a significant study on prostate MRI were published in Lancet on Friday. For the full details, click here. Also, don't miss our news report on a miniature neonatal MRI prototype.

Looking ahead, the Arab Health congress takes place next week in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Contributing writer Inga Stevens is covering the event for us, so look out for her live news reports in AuntMinnie Middle East.

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