Toshiba launches Aquilion One Genesis at RoeKo 2016

Toshiba Medical Systems launched a new CT scanner, Aquilion One Genesis edition, at last week's Deutche Roentgen Kongress (DRK 2016) in Leipzig, Germany.

Genesis edition provides improved x-ray detector functionality for higher image quality and lower radiation through a complete system redesign, Toshiba said. The scanner's flared gantry provides a wide-open space for a better patient experience, Toshiba said. The system also offers a 30° bidirectional tilt that enables angled scanning to avoid unnecessary exposure to radiosensitive organs.

The scanner is powered by a new model-based iterative reconstruction (MBIR) technique, dubbed "First," that is incorporated directly into the imaging protocols, Toshiba said. First can reconstruct a volume scan in a few minutes, allowing it to be incorporated into clinical workflow, and providing improved spatial resolution at less dose.

A laser collimation system provides for faster scanning without need of a scanogram, Toshiba said. With a footprint of just 19 m2, the scanner is smaller, lighter, and requires less power than previous systems, enabling it to be located in most existing CT rooms, the company said.

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