Theraclion promotes two Echopulse studies

Ultrasound therapy developer Theraclion is pointing to two studies that found favorable results from the use of the company's Echopulse technique in treating benign thyroid nodules.

In a study of 20 benign thyroid nodules published in the March issue of Radiology, a research team led by Dr. Roussanka Kovatcheva, PhD, of the University Hospital of Endocrinology in Sofia, Bulgaria found a statistically significant mean thyroid nodule volume reduction of 48.7% six months after the Echopulse procedure. Other findings included maximum nodule volume shrinkage of 93%, as well as improvements in patient satisfaction score, according to Theraclion.

In a second study on 10 benign thyroid nodules by the same group that was published online in the Journal of Therapeutic Ultrasound, the study team found a significant reduction in thyroid nodule volume by a median of 48.8% three months after the procedure. They also observed nodule volume shrinkage of up to 75%, according to the company.

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