Sectra deploys XDS-based image transfer in Northern Ireland

PACS developer Sectra announced that it has implemented cross-enterprise sharing of images and related patient images among PACS in Northern Ireland using an XDS-I framework.

XDS-I is the Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) profile for cross-enterprise sharing. By deploying this technology, hospitals throughout Northern Ireland will be able to access radiology information systems and PACS regardless of differences of systems and the vendors they use.

From September 2008 through September 2017, Sectra is providing RIS/PACS systems and services to 27 regional hospitals participating in the NIPACS Program overseen by the Department of Health, Social Services, and Public Safety in Northern Ireland. With the implementation of the XDS-I framework, the two hospitals in Northern Ireland now can interface with this regional network using this technology.

This is the first deployment of XDS-I in the U.K., according to Sectra.

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