Carestream unpacks new CR features

Carestream Health has introduced new software features for three of its computed radiography (CR) systems focusing on image quality and exposure control, pediatric and ICU imaging, and print output, the firm said.

The features include a companion image for pneumothorax visualization that accentuates the appearance of free air in the chest cavity, Carestream said. A new ICU package includes tube and line visualization capabilities, and automatic image display in the correct orientation.

A vendor-neutral International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC) exposure index allows technologists to determine if exposures are in an acceptable exposure range, the company said.

In addition, image processing improvements produce consistent rendering of portable chest images, reducing image variability, Carestream said. Enhanced administrative and analysis reporting software offer a consolidated source for viewing CR performance metrics, and multiformat print enhancements permit the use of markers and image adjustments, with new layout options to optimize film usage.

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