Spanish hospital attains top HIMSS Analytics rating

HIMSS Analytics Europe announced that the Marina Salud Hospital de Dénia in Spain has achieved stage 7, the highest level of the organization's Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model (EMRAM).

The hospital is the first in Spain and the second in Europe to achieve the status of operating a paperless medical record environment. Launched in 2005 in North America, EMRAM was created to track progress in adopting electronic medical records in hospitals and healthcare systems. It consists of an eight-step scale, with rankings from 0 to 7.

The 280-bed hospital opened in the fall of 2009 with the distinction of having an electronic medical record system in operation. Over the next 2.5 years, Hospital de Dénia implemented electronic systems for every part of the healthcare process to become a paperless and data-driven healthcare organization.

HIMSS Analytics Europe cited some of the institution's achievements as 100% utilization of electronic, clinical note entry; implementation of a sophisticated clinical and business intelligence program; a computerized physician order-entry (CPOE) system with an integrated clinical decision-support system; and an all-digital medical imaging department.

The Hospital de Dénia will be officially recognized by HIMSS Analytics Europe for achieving stage 7 at the pan-European eHealth Week 2012 conference being held this week in Copenhagen.

A complete description of EMRAM can be found here.

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