Edna Astbury-Ward, PhD[email protected]MRIHow can clinical teams deliver better care to frail patients?Frailty is everyone's business -- and everyone involved in caring for adults with cancer has a role to play. That's the central message of a practical new 38-page guide that can be downloaded free of charge.November 13, 2023Clinical NewsPlaykits develop role in easing kids' anxiety over MRI scansGiving young children a playkit that uses both virtual and augmented reality appears to reduce anxiety about this procedure, U.K. researchers have reported in an article posted on 7 November by BMJ Innovations.November 7, 2023Clinical NewsWhat's the best approach to imaging of breast implant rupture?MRI remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of breast implant rupture, but ultrasound can also be a useful screening tool in the initial assessment of implant integrity, U.K. researchers noted at the recent European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) annual meeting.October 18, 2023Clinical NewsFrench poll shows medical students have negative views of radiologistsMany of the old stereotypes of radiologists as solitary people motivated by money, working in a dark room and having no relationship with the patient, persist among today's generation of medical students, particularly women, French researchers have reported.October 3, 2023Clinical NewsTeam Turku shines new light on patient shielding in CTThe application of an out-of-plane shield in CT scanning may lead to a substantial increase in tube current modulation, therefore providing patients with a much higher radiation dose, researchers from Finland have found.September 18, 2023Artificial IntelligenceRCR vows to play pivotal role in future evaluation of AIThe U.K. Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) is gearing up to play a greater role in AI assessment and is striving to become more inclusive, accountable, and transparent, according to two senior RCR officers. They also speak openly about how to achieve a work-life balance.September 13, 2023Clinical NewsRadiologist Fátima Matute Teresa named as health minister for MadridDr. Fátima Matute Teresa is to become the new minister of health for the Community of Madrid, continuing a recent trend of radiologists being appointed to senior healthcare posts in some European nations.June 26, 2023Clinical NewsSpotlight falls again on safety of CT contrast agentsThe disturbing case of an 80-year-old woman who developed compartment syndrome of the hand following a CT scan has focused attention on the range of adverse events that can result from the use of contrast agents in clinical practice.May 31, 2023Clinical NewsHome reporting is no bed of roses or panacea for radiologyHome reporting can help to boost radiologists' productivity and avoid fatigue and burnout, but it requires careful planning, considerable thought, and rigorous attention to detail, according to a new 12-page free guide from the U.K. Royal College of Radiologists.May 29, 2023Clinical NewsTeaching guru gives 10 top tips for younger radiologistsBuild strong relationships with clinical colleagues, never compromise on standards, and keep a list of colleagues who will listen and offer sound advice. Those are among the tips from training expert Dr. John Curtis.May 22, 2023Page 1 of 9Next PageTop StoriesWomens ImagingUsing AI with mammography can help select women for breast MRIDutch researchers have found that using AI with mammography can help select women at high risk of breast cancer for supplemental MRI.Tributes & ObitsNordic journal posts tribute to Henrik ThomsenWomens ImagingHow can we improve evaluation of benign breast lesions?Molecular ImagingIs herpes infection protective in early Alzheimer’s disease patients?Womens ImagingUltrafast MRI proves value for classifying breast cancers