SERAM highlights MRI on World Multiple Sclerosis Day

2016 10 24 14 20 44 165 Spanish Flag 400

The Spanish Society of Medical Radiology (SERAM) marked World Multiple Sclerosis Day on 30 May by emphasizing the importance of radiology and MRI professionals in the diagnosis and follow-up of the disease.

Via the use of MRI, radiologists are currently playing a fundamental role in the care process in patients with multiple sclerosis, according to the society. As the most sensitive paraclinical technique for identifying the demyelinating lesions that characterize the disease, MRI has become an essential tool for establishing an accurate and early diagnosis, as well as for predicting its prognosis, SERAM said.

"In addition, MRI has acquired a highly relevant role in monitoring and predicting the efficacy of [disease-modifying treatments], which also has an important impact in establishing individualized therapeutic strategies," SERAM said in a statement.

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