UKHSA publishes radiotherapy safety update

2020 06 16 15 21 7966 Radiotherapy Uk Image 400

The U.K. Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has published a new e-bulletin to provide an update on radiotherapy safety issues.

In the e-bulletin, the UKHSA shares developments on topics such as last year's transition of the Medical Exposures Group to UKSHA, new learning resources for radiotherapy healthcare professionals, the Once for Wales Concerns Management System (Datix Cymru), and an update on the Learning From Patient Safety Events (LFPSE) service.

Other topics in the bulletin include new developments in the Patient Safety in Radiotherapy (PSRT) steering group, the upcoming update to the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF), and more.

The e-bulletin is available on the U.K. Society of Radiographers' website.

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