Wellbeing to integrate Contextflow's clinical decision-support tool

2020 11 19 16 46 1912 Ct Lung Damage Covid 19 400

Connected healthcare specialist Wellbeing Software and software developer Contextflow have joined forces to deliver clinical decision-support software to radiologists in the U.K. through Wellbeing's AI Connect Marketplace.

Contextflow's core technology is 3D image-based clinical decision-support software called contextflow Search Lung CT. The system is designed to help save time while increasing reporting quality and confidence, the companies said.

Search Lung CT provides quantitative and qualitative image analysis results for 19 lung-specific imaging patterns, including nodule detection in chest CT scans, and provides statistics, reference cases, and differential diagnoses directly into PACS workstations, the companies said.

The technology integration will be managed through Wellbeing's AI Connect gateway, which allows hospitals to embed their chosen algorithms into radiology workflows regardless of the radiology information system or PACS they are running, Wellbeing said.

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