McCoubrie's final set of golden rules | Why AI's not ready for routine use | EuroMinnies award scheme launches

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

When I first met Dr. Paul McCoubrie, he told me about his intention to compile 100 rules of radiology. It sounded like an ambitious plan for a busy, hard-working doctor, but he's a determined and driven individual. Five years on, he's achieved his goal.

His final set of 30 rules contains some real gems, and you won't want to miss them. Go to the Imaging Informatics Community, or click here.

Is artificial intelligence (AI) ready for widespread adoption? This is one of the burning questions facing radiologists today, and it was addressed during the European Society of Medical Imaging Informatics' recent meeting in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Dr. Raym Geis is well-qualified to give some answers, and you can get them here.

Our sister site,, has organized a highly successful award scheme called the Minnies for many years. Now that our own site has become well-established, with more than 29,000 registered users and nearly 1 million page views per month since our initial launch at ECR 2011, we have unveiled the EuroMinnies. Please do make your nominations. Click here for the full details.

Unexpected weight loss can be a source of great anxiety for patients, but imaging can help by providing referring doctors with an accurate report and hopefully giving patients reassurance and comfort. Two groups of researchers have conducted studies in this area and presented their findings at the annual meeting of the U.K. Royal College of Radiologists. Go the CT Community, or click here.

The safety of gadolinium-based contrast agents for MRI is an ongoing concern for the global imaging community. A team from Rome has investigated adverse reactions among 1,088 patients who underwent MRI scans between March 2017 and March 2018. Find out more in the MRI Community, or click here.

Also, French investigators have shown how MRI can predict outcomes in complex cases of soft-tissue sarcomas. Get the details here.

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