Cardiac Imaging Insider

Dear Cardiac Imaging Insider,

In malignant melanoma cases, cardiac metastases occur increasingly often and can involve every part of the heart, so developing awareness of different types of metastases and their appearance on CT is essential, according to researchers from Tübingen, Germany.

The group has elaborated on this topic with a new study. To get the findings and view some clinical images, click here.

It's fair to say artificial intelligence (AI) has blossomed during 2017, and cardiac imaging experts have been among those keen to demonstrate the enormous potential of the technology. At the recent RSNA 2017 meeting, a team from the University Medical Center Utrecht in the Netherlands reported that an AI algorithm can automatically quantify coronary and other arterial calcification from routine chest CT studies. Click here for the full details.

When it comes to endurance and fitness in competitive sport, elite triathletes must be near the top of the list, but what impact does the extreme exercise involved have on the individuals' hearts? Radiologists from University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf have investigated, and they reported their results at RSNA 2017. Find out more here.

CT plays an increasing role in minimally invasive and transcatheter procedures, particularly in terms of image guidance and evaluating patients before an intervention. Researchers from Turin, Italy, have tested the performance of the latest generation of scanners on patients who were about to undergo mitral and aortic valve surgery. Get the story here.

Any technique that promises to enhance the position of the radiologist in a multidisciplinary team must be worth a close look, and that's the case with our article about a Russian study into the use of 3D modeling in structural heart disease. Click here to learn more.

This letter features only a few of the many articles published recently in the Cardiac Imaging Community. Please scroll through the full list of our coverage below.

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