RCR lambasts progress of England's Cancer Strategy

The U.K.'s Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) has reviewed England's five-year England Cancer Strategy program and finds real progress is at risk.

The cancer workforce remains in crisis, and there has been insufficient and unsustainable funding for early diagnosis and radiotherapy technologies and services, the RCR said.

"It is very disappointing to see that over two years on from the publication of the ambitious English Cancer Strategy so little real progress has been made," said RCR President Dr. Nicola Strickland. "We have less than three years to go -- about 1,000 days -- in order to deliver patients what they were promised by the strategy when it was issued in 2015: timely, accurate diagnosis of their cancer, and equally timely and advanced treatment of their cancer."

With proper investment, such as the addition of 1,800 consultant radiologists, patients could have their cancers diagnosed early. Then their cancers could be treated when and how they should be with an additional 78 clinical oncologists. Also, if the National Health Service (NHS) England doubled its 130 million pound (146 million euros) investment, that would bring England into parity with the investment announced by the Scottish government last year, the RCR said.

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