Support time off for national health work, RCR urges

Several U.K. healthcare organizations, including the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR), have written a joint letter to all National Health Service (NHS) hospitals, urging them to support time-off requests for doctors undertaking work for national health bodies.

The groups stress the valuable contribution doctors make for the wider benefit of the public through working on other health bodies, which leads to improved patient safety and care, medical education, and the delivery of effective health services.

"The RCR relies on the invaluable, voluntary support of its radiologists and clinical oncologists who invest considerable time and effort to ensure the college continues to deliver high-quality support and development in many areas including training, examinations, professional development, guidance development, quality improvement activities, and academic research," the RCR stated.

NHS England, the General Medical Council, and national health bodies have supported the initiative.

Read the letter here.

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