JCCO highlights breast cancer audit report

The Joint Collegiate Council for Oncology (JCCO) in the U.K. is highlighting the release of the first national audit of breast cancer in elderly patients.

The council is a joint initiative between the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) and Royal College of Radiologists (RCR). The National Audit of Breast Cancer in Older Patients (NABCOP) is conducted by the Association of Breast Surgery and the Clinical Effectiveness Unit of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.

The new report shows treatment variations among older breast cancer patients, according to a statement by Dr. Jeanette Dickson, JCCO chair.

"The NABCOP audit reveals significant variation in treatment delivery -- which is difficult to explain based purely on patient characteristics," Dickson stated. "The RCR and RCP are committed to ensuring our specialist consultants are well-trained in elderly care considerations and are also working to include more aspects of geriatric oncology care in our respective curriculums."

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