Staff shortages worsen in U.K. | MRI of canine brain | Structured reporting in Italy

Staffing issues in radiology remain a hot topic across Europe, but the situation is of particular concern in the U.K., where radiologist shortages are acute across the country. Furthermore, the Brexit (British exit) vote over EU membership has created even more uncertainty about the future.

Against this background, the publication of a new workforce analysis by the Royal College of Radiologists is bound to generate huge interest. Click here for the full story.

MRI is shedding new light not only on how people think and behave but also on how animals function. Hungarian researchers have studied the brains of dogs, and their findings are worth a look. Go to our MRI Community, or click here.

The 47th national congress of the Italian Society of Medical Radiology (SIRM) takes place in Naples this week, and to mark the occasion, we have two articles from Italy.

First up is a piece about the challenges faced by those who are implementing structured reporting. Visit the PACS Community, or click here.

The second article focuses on a national survey about thalassemia, an inherited blood disorder in which the body makes an abnormal form of hemoglobin, and specifically about MRI's key diagnostic role in this condition. New findings were unveiled at the recent congress of the European Society of Cardiology in Rome. Get the details here.

At the same meeting, investigators from Finland presented information about how radiotherapy affects cardiac function in breast cancer patients. The group compared 20 eligible patients with right-sided breast cancer and 60 patients with left-sided breast cancer before and immediately after radiotherapy. Find out more in our Women's Imaging Community, or by clicking here.

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