Digital X-Ray Insider

Dear Digital X-Ray Insider,

Neonatal chest x-rays can strike fear into both trainees and general radiologists, particularly if they don't encounter them on a regular basis. But these studies are too important to ignore, and it's vital to keep your knowledge up to date, say Spanish researchers.

The researchers from Valencia have provided a timely refresher course on this topic, and they are convinced it can be of great value to everybody. To find out more, click here.

If you're looking for practical tips on handling patient referrals and reporting imaging studies, including x-ray exams, then don't miss the new article from columnist Dr. Paul McCoubrie, a consultant radiologist from Bristol, U.K. He has some simple rules for you to follow -- and he also likes to entertain readers and make people laugh. Click here for his latest offering.

MRI has become the modality of choice in sports imaging, but x-ray still has a role to perform in certain cases, as made clear in new research about how to image professional golfers' wrist injuries. Click here for the full story.

Procedures such as x-ray hysterosalpingography, urethrography, and cystography require great care, sensitivity, and tactfulness. The U.K. Royal College of Radiologists has issued some new guidelines for conducting intimate exams. They're free to download and well worth a read. To learn more, click here.

This is only a small selection of articles that have appeared in your Digital X-Ray Community over the past few weeks. See below for the full listing, and please do check back regularly for further reports.

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