Young doctors' group wants more research

Concerned about falling behind in today's highly competitive environment, the Berlin-based Alliance of Young Doctors is calling for an improvement in research conditions, according to the German Radiology Society (DRG).

Today, researchers and clinicians face significant handicaps in finding and performing research work. Having spent the necessary time to pursue advanced degrees, researchers find themselves underappreciated, underutilized, and burdened with bureaucracy, with little spare time for research after completing their clinical work. This is causing strains in the work-life balance, the alliance said in a statement.

The strain is causing many would-be researchers to forego academic careers while searching for alternative positions overseas, and the result is a growing shortage of qualified and scientifically active physicians within Germany, the group reported.

Emphasizing the importance of high-quality medical research, the alliance is calling for expanding the resources available to young researchers.

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