What is XML/RSS?

RSS, otherwise known as "Really Simple Syndication" or "Rich Site Summary," is a method for delivering online information dynamically. The RSS feed gives you access to up-to-the-minute stories as they become available. This is especially useful when you want more control over the news you receive, or when you have limited time to browse all the radiology topics covered on the site.

Like most RSS feed services, you can subscribe to our service at no charge. You need RSS-compatible software to use the service. Anyone with the appropriate software can download and read, or even republish the RSS feed, automatically.

There are many different types of RSS-compatible software (also called a news aggregator or feed reader) available to you -- some are free. Some feed readers (such as Pluck or Sage) use a standard web browser. Other popular feed readers (FeedDemon and SharpReader) employ a standalone program that you install on your computer. For those who prefer to receive their RSS feeds as email messages, intraVnews offers a feed reader that works with Microsoft Outlook.

Subscribing to an RSS feed is usually very easy. In most cases, you simply enter the internet address of the RSS feed (http://cdn.auntminnieeurope.com/rss/rss.aspx) in your feed reader, and it will automatically download the latest feed information to your computer at a specified time interval.

Link to the AuntMinnieEurope Xml feed.
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