Toshiba to show new CT scanners at ECR

Toshiba Medical Systems plans to introduce new CT scanners at ECR 2013.

The new 16-slice Astelion series CT systems offer adaptive iterative dose reduction (AIDR) 3D iterative reconstruction as a standard feature and dose reduction for all clinical scans. The Astelion's electrical system is designed to minimize heat and reduce the use of cooling fans in standby mode.

The Aquilion One Vision Edition offers a rotation speed of 0.275 sec for all routine applications, faster than the previous edition of Aquilion One. The system was first introduced at RSNA 2012 and is being shown for the first time at ECR 2013.

In combination with Toshiba's AIDR 3D dose reduction algorithm, Vision Edition features low-dose imaging for all patient examinations with less impact of reconstruction time. A 78-cm gantry bore is designed to enhance patient comfort and access.

Vision Edition also introduces 3D CT fluoroscopy to visualize complicated interventional procedures in multiple planes.

The new Aquilion Prime is available in 80- and 160-slice configurations. The Aquilion Prime series features the Quantum detector with 80 rows of 0.5-mm elements for isotropic images for all patient examinations. The CT system also is smaller in size and has a quieter gantry due to an adaptive cooling system, which reduces heat and energy consumption.

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