RCR issues urgent plea to U.K. government

The U.K. Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) has warned Prime Minister Theresa May that the nation's diagnostic imaging and cancer treatment facilities are in a "dire state" and urgently need additional investment.

The letter from RCR President Dr. Nicola Strickland to May "wholeheartedly supports" a similar communiqué from the Royal College of Physicians of London, which stated the National Health Service (NHS) is underfunded and does not have an adequate supply of doctors.

"We need a sustained program of investment in imaging and radiotherapy equipment," Strickland wrote. "As the experts in these fields, we can help you direct such resources effectively to have the desired impact on patient care and patient outcome."

Strickland said she would be willing to meet at any time "to discuss these vital issues in detail."

The seriousness of the situation was outlined in a study from the RCR that found approximately 250,000 patients wait for more than one month for x-ray and other imaging results, which are reflected in the country's poor cancer outcomes.

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