What are the top 5 countries for m-health app developers?

A new survey has found that Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the U.K. are the European countries with the best market conditions for developers of mobile health (m-health) apps.

The study from research2guidance was conducted in collaboration with Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Europe and is part of the largest global m-health research program.

More than 4,000 app developers, healthcare professionals, and m-health practitioners were asked to rank European countries based on eHealth adoption, level of digitalization, m-health market potential, regulations, and ease of starting a business.

The five countries were found to have the highest market readiness and most mature market conditions for m-health companies to succeed. The U.K. was the leader according to 55% of m-health practitioners, primarily due to its openness and positive attitude among many British doctors toward new technology and integrating it into patient treatment.

Germany and France had mixed results. While the two markets have enormous potential, rankings for e-health and m-health adoption were extremely low, indicating the countries may be more reluctant to adopt these technologies for healthcare.

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