RCR updates continuing professional development scheme

The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) has updated its continuing professional development (CPD) scheme.

The updated version includes principles set out by the General Medical Council in 2012. The aim of the updated scheme is to recognize the place of CPD within the appraisal process and also the need for CPD activities to be effective and aligned with the scope of practice and patient care, according to the organization.

CPD activities will no longer be divided into category I (generally externally accredited) or category II (not externally accredited), nor distinguish between clinical and nonclinical education, the RCR said.

The scheme maintains the principle that doctors should achieve at least 250 credits over five years, at a minimum, to remain up to date in their specialties. An important component of continuing professional development is learning from the wider National Health Service and other healthcare systems, as well as gaining experience from clinical colleagues outside their own organization, the RCR noted. The college, therefore, recommends that 20 credits per year should be gained from attendance at external meetings.

The updates are effective from 1 July 2014. The changes do not affect the start or end date of a doctor's five-year CPD cycle or the overall target requirement of 250 CPD credits, the RCR said. Also, total credits earned up to 1 July 2014 will be recognized.

The updated scheme may be accessed on the RCR website.

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