Mediso debuts new preclinical platform

Mediso Medical Imaging Systems has launched its new nanoScan four-modality preclinical imaging platform.

At the same time, Mediso has discontinued production of two previous systems, the NanoSPECT/CT and NanoPET/CT. The company will continue to provide support of installed systems and offer upgrade packages to the new nanoScan platform.

The new nanoScan SPECT is based on the company's proprietary M3 pinhole technology and is designed to provide enhanced high spatial resolution and sensitivity. The nanoScan PET system, equipped with the new Tera-Tomo 3D reconstruction engine, performs quantitative PET studies with visible resolution of 700 microns.

High-resolution CT and MR images are applied for image coregistration and localization and for CT-based or MRI-based attenuation and scatter correction for high-resolution quantitative imaging.

The debut came this week at the World Molecular Imaging Congress (WMIC) in Dublin.

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