Insightec touts studies on focused ultrasound

2018 07 24 00 33 7964 Brain 400

Two international studies are using Insightec's Exablate Neuro focused ultrasound with the goal of stopping the progression of Parkinson's disease, rather than merely treating the symptoms, which hasn't been done before, according to the researchers.

Dr. José Obeso, PhD, of the Centro Integral de Neurociencias (HM CINAC) in Madrid recently led a clinical trial that used focused ultrasound to temporarily and reversibly open the blood-brain barrier in the putamen region of the striatum of Parkinson's patients. Thus far, he and his team have treated seven patients.

Meanwhile, Dr. Nir Lipsman, PhD, is co-leading a team of researchers at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and University Health Network in Toronto who are using focused ultrasound to deliver a therapeutic dose directly to the striatum in patients with Parkinson's. Ultrasound waves temporarily open the blood-brain barrier, which allows access to the striatum and the direct delivery of an enzyme replacement therapy (glucocerebrosidase). To date, three patients have been treated in the trial.

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