Isotopia, Eckert & Ziegler partner

2019 11 11 22 17 5854 Arrows Join Partner 400

Isotopia Molecular Imaging has partnered with isotope technology firm Eckert & Ziegler for the development of its PSMA-11 kit for prostate cancer imaging.

The companies will finalize the development of Isotopia's gallium-68-HBED-CC-PSMA (gallium-68-PSMA-11) kit, which is used for the imaging and staging of prostate cancer.

The collaboration includes making the kit feasible on Eckert & Ziegler's KitLab, having its GalliaPharm in the drug master file of the kit, and completing the necessary steps to obtain marketing authorization in the European Union.

PSMA-11 is a small molecule that binds to prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA). When radiolabeled with gallium-68, it is a convenient, clinically efficient approach to imaging prostate cancer with PET, according to the company.

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