Sectra wins contract for U.K. AI project

PACS vendor Sectra said it will be providing its vendor-neutral platform for artificial intelligence (AI) to the Northern Pathology Imaging Co-operative (NPIC) consortium in the U.K.

Led by Dr. Darren Treanor at the University of Leeds and Leeds Teaching Hospitals National Health Service (NHS) Trust, NPIC consists of nine NHS hospitals, seven universities, and 10 medical technology companies, according to Sectra. The three-year project will gather digital pathology images for training AI systems and will generate about 760,000 images -- roughly 1.2 petabytes of data -- per year, Sectra said. Furthermore, NPIC aims to create more integrated ways of working across regional clinical pathology services.

In addition to contributing its vendor-neutral platform for AI, Sectra will also perform integrations with scanners and laboratory information systems. The firm said it will also include its image-sharing software, which will contribute to a national pathology exchange and enable images to be shared between NHS sites nationally.

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