IBA posts revenue decreases in Q3

Proton therapy developer Ion Beam Applications (IBA) posted revenue decreases for its third quarter and first nine months of 2017 (end-September 30).

For the quarter, revenues decreased by 7.8% to 175.9 million euros ($207 million), compared with 190.9 million euros ($224.7 million) for the same period in 2016. But IBA's dosimetry business segment increased by 20% to 41.3 million euros ($48.6 million), compared with 34.4 million euros ($40.4 million) in 2016, which the company attributed to the fulfillment of long-term orders.

For the nine-month period, the company saw its revenues decrease by 3.6% to 217.3 million euros ($255.7 million), compared with the same period last year.

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