Exact Imaging promotes attention at ESUI

Ultrasound technology developer Exact Imaging will be highlighted in two clinical talks and four posters at this week's annual meeting of the EAU Section of Urological Imaging Annual (ESUI) in Barcelona, Spain.

ExactVu's micro-ultrasound and the Pri-Mus (prostate risk identification using micro-ultrasound) risk identification protocol and how it relates to high-resolution ultrasound and fusion biopsy will be discussed by Dr. Lars Budäus from the Martini Clinic in Hamburg, Germany.

Dr. Ander Astobieta Odriozola from Urología Clínica Bilbao in Bilbao, Spain, will cite the same protocol in a feasibility study to avoid or postpone biopsy using microultrasound for subjects with low prostate-specific antigen density (PSAD).

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