Sectra signs contract with teleradiology provider

PACS vendor Sectra has signed an agreement with Telemedicine Clinic, a global teleradiology provider, to provide the firm with its Sectra Implant Movement Analysis service for orthopedic patient follow-up.

Orthopedic patients who have implants may experience chronic pain following surgery, especially if the implant is loose or broken, Sectra said. The agreement with Telemedicine Clinic will allow radiologists to request two CT images of the patient, submit those to Sectra's Implant Movement Analysis service, analyze the images with Sectra's software, and send back a report that shows whether the patient's implant is loose.

Telemedicine Clinic is an international diagnostic group with offices in Reading, U.K., Sydney, and Barcelona, Spain. It provides radiology reports to more than 135 European hospitals, and has been using Sectra PACS since 2007, the company said.

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