Ulrich unveils contrast media injectors at RoeKo 2016

Ulrich Medical chose the German Radiology Congress (Deutscher Röntgenkongress, RöKo 2016) in Leipzig to launch a new contrast media injector family it calls Max.

The Ulm-based firm's new Max 2M and Max 3 models offer highly automated injection at a low cost, the company said. The highly automated injection process requires only a few clicks from the user to set in motion, and the injectors offer two special features:

  • CM-Loop, which enables continuous work by eliminating the need to draw up syringe pistons as is required in other contrast media injectors. The feature saves both time and money, the company said.
  • CM-Select allows for different contrast media to be chosen at the press of a button, the company said. This feature provides more flexibility and accommodates the growing range of available contrast media

The products are manufactured in Germany, using the most advanced technology available, Ulrich said.

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