Elekta places MRI-guided linac in Amsterdam

Radiation oncology firm Elekta has installed an MRI-guided linear accelerator radiation therapy system at the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) in Amsterdam.

The company's Elekta MR-linac is designed to guide radiation therapy using a 1.5-tesla MRI scanner to acquire high-quality images of tumors and surrounding tissue, while reducing exposure of normal tissue to radiation beams. Physicians can use the images to assess and modify radiation treatment in real time.

NKI is a member of the Eletka MR-linac Consortium, founded in 2012 by Elekta and its technology partner Royal Philips. It is the third site to install the MR-linac system, which is already under functional evaluation at University Medical Center Utrecht in the Netherlands, and at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.

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