Seno Medical highlights study at EUSOBI meeting

Breast imaging developer Seno Medical Instruments is directing attention to presentations involving its Imagio optoacoustic breast imaging system at the recent annual scientific meeting of the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) in London.

In case reports from the multicenter European MAESTRO study, Dutch researchers shared how Imagio could aid physicians in determining whether a suspicious breast mass is malignant or not, helping women to avoid negative biopsy procedures, according to the vendor. The results were co-presented by Dr. Carla Meeuwis, PhD, of Rijnstate Hospital and Dr. Jeroen Veltman, PhD, of ZGT, Hengelo, during a symposium sponsored at the conference by Seno.

Dr. Ritse Mann, PhD, of Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center also shared case reports from MAESTRO in a separate presentation, including findings showing Imagio's potential for diagnosing small masses, decreasing false positives, and minimizing false negatives.

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