Toshiba to install CT at U.K. exercise research site

Toshiba Medical Systems has signed a partnership to provide an Aquilion One CT scanner to a U.K. facility studying the benefits of exercise. Toshiba will also provide wearable biosensors and consultation services.

As part of the partnership, Toshiba will supply the Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre (AWRC) with its Aquilion One CT scanner, which will allow researchers to collect images of athletes' and patients' entire organs in one rotation. Gathering these images will help AWRC researchers develop applications for early diagnosis, improved rehabilitation, and preventative care for elite athletes as well as the local community and wider public, the organization said.

The company will also supply the AWRC with its Silmee biosensors, which are currently being used with football players at the Football Association's Centre of Excellence at St. George's Park.

The AWRC is based at the Olympic Legacy Park in Sheffield, U.K., and was established with an initial investment of 14 million pounds (19.4 million euros) from the U.K. government.

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